Basketball #1LValues and #Sightings in Haiti currently takes place on Thursday Nights at 8pm at Hope Community Church.
Every week, leaders like Jeff Marburger and Chandler Young serve the community through basketball, giveaways, and a talk featuring a Bible Verse and 1L Core Value.
One Love Basketball shirts are currently available from Chandler or LB in Starting Point at Hope Community Church.
Pastor Matt, Mission's Pastor at Hope Community Church, sharing the One Love of Jesus in Haiti last week.
One Love Basketball
10 Core Values:
1.) #SeekTheMostHigh
↑ Pray. ↓ Download the Word.
Isaiah 55:6
↑ Fess Up. ↓ Forgive Others.
1 John 1:9
3.) #LoveYourNeighbor
Because of the 1L of Jesus, ↑ Love God. ↓ Love & Disciple People.
Matthew 28:19
4.) #GodTheBuilder
↑ He Must Increase. ↓ I Must Decrease.
Psalm 127:1
5.) #1LConvos
↑ Talk to God about people. ↓ Talk to people about God.
Luke 24:19
6.) #LiveOneLove
↑ Know the Love. ↓ Be the Love.
1 John 4:9
7.) #OneLoveToTheNations
↑ Worship the King of all. ↓ Rep the King To All.
Acts 1:8
8.) #ShoulderToShoulder
↑ Be One With God. ↓ Be One With Others
Philippians 1:3
9.) #OnMission
↑ Live in Jesus. ↓ Go into All the World.
John 17:15
10.) #Sightings
↑ Thank God for Where He is Working.
↓ Join Him in His Work.
Psalm 7:17
Memorize these 10 Values and Verses, say them to us, and receive a free 1L Car Decal